Monday, July 26, 2010

07.26.10: Quiet Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

After a weekend with Trixie and the tall one, we had a quiet weekend at home before the onslaught of the neighbors. Our mouse winter cabin neighbors are headed over this weekend and staying the week. I can't wait!

Saturday, we headed out for some family grooming - his and hers waxing. A family that grooms together stays together. Then, we wended our way through some traffic for some dim sum. P loved the fried radish cakes and spare ribs with black bean sauce. She's a funny duck.

Saturday afternoon we spent running errands. And, then, we settled down for some yummy dinner at home - fresh pasta with cod and beans and a drizzle of olive oil. P loved it.

Sunday, we headed out to meet up with some friends for a play date/picnic in the park. P and her giant friend had fun and we got a chance to catch up and compare notes with another set of parents.

We came home. P had her nap. Mouse had her manicure. Then, we headed out for dinner. And, the weekend was gone. I love weekends.


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