Friday, July 09, 2010

Big Girl Room Transition: Day 4

Dear Friends and Family,

Last day of transition.

P goes to the toddler room after breakfast and stays there until pick up.

I'm going to try and do a slightly earlier than usual pick up so that she's not too frazzled by the time I get there.

Drum roll please... P drank all of her milk from her cup while at school yesterday. Yeah for P!

Seriously, if we had done this a couple of weeks ago, this week would have been a lot less stressful. It is what it is. All in all, I can't complain. P's been a champ with this transition.

Unfortunately, P's BFF hasn't been as happy with her transition. She's in the other toddler room and she's been a less enthusiastic about the whole toddler room routine. She's got a lot going on for a little girl - toddler room transition, new sibling on the way, her old BFF moving to a new room.

I'm glad I took the time over the past couple of weeks to take P to the toddler room in the morning and evenings during drop off and pick up to get her used to the idea. It took her a couple of visits to get used to space and be okay with sitting while I was in the room. Definitely time well spent.

Well, today's the day I need to do the last of the organization. P's diapers and wipes and cream should go over. I'll need to clean out her drawer and transfer it over to the toddler room. I'm sad and excited at the same time. It's kind of like moving.

And, one last round of thank you cards and gifts for the infant teachers for all that they've done for P.


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