Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Other People's Lives

Dear Friends and Family,

Why social media? I was reading another person's blog, someone I don't know in real life, but someone I sometimes think I know in virtual life. And, I realized it's a funny thing.

In one sense it's affirmation - I've been there! I've thought that! I've done that! In another sense it's vicariously living someone else's life - I'll never do that or go there, but it's nice to be there/do that through someone else's eyes.

And, then I wonder, why do people write? What drives content creation? Some people write for money. Other people write for fame. Me, I write to find peace, to work myself through all the little (and big) thoughts that would otherwise make me a little more mentally cluttered. The side benefit is that I get to go back and look at the randomness from years past and remember.

Twenty years from now, it'll be an interesting monologue. Life through the eyes of a thirty-something.


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