Thursday, July 26, 2012

Is it Friday Yet?

Dear Friends and Family,

Is it Friday yet? Because I really want it to be Friday. Sigh. It's not Friday yet.

I don't think it's a good thing when work is that demotivating. Also, I'm a little sad. Two friends left to go to school. One friend is leaving to New Jersey. Several friends left in 2008, 2009 and 2010. And, that leaves me, with no real friends at work. It's a lonely place. There are people I could be friends with, but I think it comes down to a matter of trust. I don't trust them enough to be friends with them. And, I don't trust that they'll be there long enough for me to justify being true friends with them. It's, sadly, not worth the investment.

So, I focus on my home life. I told a colleague that if you average good and great and great and great, it's still a perfectly fine place to be. It's just it's a lonely place to be.

I've been giving some more thought to this get the house in order thing. There's a certain satisfaction to being done with a room. I think I need a master plan. I think I'm going to try laying out what activities we do in each room, what things we need to do those activities, what things need storage and that's the room that gets assigned storage, and then I can go room by room and figure this out.

For instance, our bedroom, that's where we sleep and get dressed and I read P books before she goes to her room to read with Mr. mouse. That means this is the room where we should have our bed, our clothes, and a place to put some books and a glass of milk. But, it definitely doesn't make sense to keep kitchen tongs in the room (in a bin under our bed from when we moved here over five years ago) and it's not a logical place for our phone charger either (which really should go with keys and wallet, in my mind).

This could be a mind-freeing exercise. The next logical step would be to match reality to the paper and see where the biggest gaps are. Then, then, then... I'm looking forward to September 2013.


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