Monday, April 29, 2013

04.29.13: Monday and Optimistic

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Monday and I'm excited about the week ahead of us. We have a couple of loose ends to tie up for P's birthday party. But, the bulk of the heavy lifting is behind us. Sadly, this is because the window for shipping stuff from on-line retailers is closing.

On deck for the week is getting a mattress for the bed downstairs and watering the flowers we planted by our door. Oh, and another blood draw for me. I'm hoping we can reduce my thyroid dosages.

This weekend? Saturday, we got the housecleaning done. Then, we ordered P's cake, returned the rental car and went to get mail. We planted flowers by the front door. Sunday, we went to church and the park. We played at home and went for a bike ride. We battled over many little things with P.

And, now, it's Monday. Fingers crossed for the week ahead.


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