Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Living on a Budget

Dear Friends and Family,

The budget? I feel like we're turning into irrational people. It's hard. I'm eagerly anticipating my first credit card bill to see if we can adjust upwards.

This week, and it's only Tuesday mind you, we're off to a rocky start. There's the $40 for Mr. mouse's train pass and my toll road pass. There's the $28 for gas. And, I bought a present for my cousin's kid's first birthday and Mr. mouse bought a book.

Now, there's enough money left for the school photos and a spot of gas. Really? This is what it's like to live on a budget?

I'm trying to convince Mr. mouse to return a present we bought and didn't use. And to call a credit card and request a credit balance. He's debating biking to work. We decided to camp out at my sister's house instead of getting a hotel when we visit next month.

Yes, this is what it's like to live on a budget. It's worth it.


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