Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cognitive Development and Family Income

Dear Friends and Family,

I read an article this morning about how income is becoming a bigger predictor of childhood success. I'm not sure how I feel about that. We spend a lot of time with P. We're very proud of her. I like to think her success is because we love her not because we have well paying jobs.

But, I'm not blind to the fact that she has great care while we work. Nor am I blind to the fact that we take her to museums and shows and trips and other things she wouldn't normally have access to.

Perhaps what I'm afraid of is perverse bias. If I leave my job, reducing our family's income, does P have less of a chance of succeeding? I would have thought the reverse would be true. But, what if I'm wrong?


1 comment:

Hey There said...

Above a certain income level the delta is likely negligible.