Monday, July 11, 2011

07.11.11: Terrible Twos

Dear Friends and Family,

This weekend was a weekend of battles. We had our good moments and our not-so-good moments.

Moments we wish we could bottle and replay? swings at the park, breakfast at P's favorite breakfast stop, smiles at the baseball game, pizza for breakfast, blowing bubbles on the deck, typing on the computer and playing with P's puzzles

Moments we wish we never had to go through the first time? diaper changing battles, holding hands when walking battles, being carried when crossing the street battles, getting dressed battles and getting buckled/unbuckled into the car sear battles

Well, we had a fabulous meltdown Sunday evening. And, after rolling on the floor crying for several minutes, P got her act together and was a model toddler afterwards. We'll see how today goes.


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