Friday, July 01, 2011

The Car Bug

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse wants to buy a new car. No, not a new car for him. He wants to buy a new car for me. And, I don't want a new car.

His arguments? My car is old. My car needs work. My car guzzles gas. The cost of the repairs will equal the car payment - a new bushing, new tires, new snow tires, key repair, oil leak repair, etc.

My arguments? We'll still have two cars. I like my car. I can drive my car in my sleep. Our insurance will go up. We're still saving up from our tax hit this spring. Our savings took another hit this past month. Our checking account isn't feeling particularly flush. I don't want to rack up miles on a new car and kill the resell value in the first two years.

For now, we'll continue to punt on the issue. Basically, it comes down to Mr. mouse convincing me because we're not going to buy a new car without it being a joint decision. And, we're not going to trade-in my car unless I want to. It is my car after all.

This is an interesting quandary - something we've been talking a lot about. What takes a person from ready to buy to active buying. What is the trigger? Time for some navel gazing, I guess.


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