Friday, July 15, 2011

Taking Children Out to Dine

Dear Friends and Family,

This is where I turn into one of those parents.

I never liked hearing other people's children. And, frankly, I'm not a big fan of hearing my own child if she's screaming and whining and being a public nuisance. I am not one of those parents who are able to "tune it out" when it's their kid or someone else's kid for that matter.

And, fortunately, due to some luck and some hard work, P is generally not one of those kids. She wants to participate in the conversation. She wants to be a part of the meal. She likes going out to eat.

Now, let's layer on the completely self-centered arrogant layer. I'm going to preface it by saying we've been fortunate and we're grateful for the life we are able to lead. We have a security that comes with years of saving and two wage earners who work very hard at what they do. So, forgive me if I come across as a completely self-centered arrogant SOB here.

But, what's a "special treat" out for you might be just a typical night out for us. So, there's no way of knowing what your expectation is. I get it. I've seen it. Go out on Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve for dinner and it's like amateur night at the improv. I'm willing to concede those two nights as special nights and generally we steer well clear of restaurants on the former and accept that everyone's going to be a little rowdy on the latter.

But, every other night in between? Seriously? Do you really believe restaurateurs want to see your sorry @$$ once a year vs. my equally sorry @$$ once every two months?

I get that there's behavior that makes parents with kids unwelcome. But, be realistic, money is money and people have a right to spend it as they see fit especially if the kid's not doing anything wrong.

Okay. Off my soap box.


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