Thursday, July 07, 2011

Kitchen Reboot

Dear Friends and Family,

I've figured out the obvious. When you do things a little bit each day, it's a lot easier than tackling it all at once. And, it's the "new" stuff that tends to kill me - like returning from a trip and having to go through all the stuff Mr. mouse accumulated to see what stays and what needs to leave.

I'd give our kitchen a 6 out of 10 right now. Overall, it's presentable. But, there's a pile of food we brought home from the trip. There's a pile of postcards and stickers and random paper that needs to GO AWAY this weekend before it spawns and becomes a full-fledged random pile of stuff. There's artwork that needs to be carried upstairs. There's ear plugs that need to be carried upstairs. There's plastic ware that needs to be put away. There's bottles that need to be cleaned. There's pots that need to be put away. There's sunscreen that needs to be carried upstairs.

Huh, I guess the biggest thing to tackle is the innocent pile of paper from our trip. Then, the rest of it is easy. I'm cautiously optimistic.


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