Monday, October 06, 2014

10.06.14: Caught Up on Sleep

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm not sure where the weekend went. Let's see.

Saturday, we had a play date with one of P's friends from summer camp. She came over with her mom and dad and little sister. The girls disappeared upstairs to play and the parents hung out with us in the kitchen area. I guess they've reached that age where the parents don't need to monitor the situation. I guess it means they're growing up. I also think it makes the time feel like it's going faster. Because there are days where they're with you but not really interacting with you. So, while you still have 365 days in the year, your days together become fewer.

Saturday evening, we went to a birthday party. P had a lot of fun and asked at the end of it if she could get a scientist lab coat like the birthday girl did. I think that would involve having a birthday party at the venue and I'm not sure I'm willing to go there yet.

Sunday, I went to brunch with some friends I see once a quarter. Then, I slept the whole day away. P ate lunch. She went on a bike ride. She played with Legos while Mr. mouse went shopping. And, apparently, I slept through all of it. Somehow, after sleeping from 1 pm to 6 pm, I was still tired enough to fall back asleep at 11 pm. Huh. I guess I needed the sleep. But, I am a little sad I missed the play time with P.

Guess I'll need to make up for it this week.


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