Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April Showers

Dear Friends and Family,

If April showers bring May flowers. What do May flowers bring? Pilgrims!

If there's one thing about buying the mouse pad that has been a source of major irritation, it is that we've had all sorts of problems with water infiltration. And, I think the seller knew about them and failed to disclose them. May her karma haunt her.

We've had pools of water in our dining room. We've had water coming down the stairwell wall. And, a pretty consistent leak onto our stairs. I'm pretty sure each one is caused by a separate leak and sooner or later I'll need to solve for all three. Not sure if the water stains on the ceilings upstairs are related to all this or part of my overactive imagination.

Well as every drop patters in and hits the plastic can I have set up, it'll grate on my nerves. We're free next next Sunday. I'll have to make it a priority. Thunder. Great.


PS: First leak on the stairs joined by second leak into our dining room. Wunderbar.

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