Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mouse's Hot Chocolate Fix

Dear Friends and Family,

I've recently had a craving for hot chocolate for breakfast. It feels very Continental to have it in lieu of my morning tea. It might increase my HDL levels. And, it satisfies my craving for keeping some variety in the food palette.

  • 1 cup skim milk (2 points)
  • 1 tbs sugar (1 point)
  • 1/2 tbs cocoa (free)
  • dash of cinnamon and vanilla extract (free)
I know the purists will be horrified, but I've found a way to make it in the microwave. I measure all the ingredients into an over-sized mug, don't sweat the lumps at this point. Heat on high for two minutes. Whisk until smooth. Heat on high for thirty seconds. Voila.


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