Monday, June 08, 2009

06.08.09: Mr. mouse Time

Dear Friends and Family,

Our first weekend alone. What'd we do?

Saturday, we went to pick up the mail. We learned Pioneer doesn't mind the car as long as we're in motion. She bawls when we come to a stop. In the afternoon, we had two different friends visit and Pioneer got more clothes - a lovely salmon soy kimono and some cool onesies from Baby Gap.

Sunday, we went out for lunch - Pioneer needed a change, a bottle, and a nap. And then we went shopping for baby clothes and burp cloths. We spent the rest of the day at home playing with P, napping, and watching the F1 race.

Oh, and we got take out sushi for dinner Friday night to celebrate our anniversary. We ate on the bed while I fed Pioneer. It was intimate and low key - just what I needed.


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