Monday, June 15, 2009

06.15.09: Baby Weekends

Dear Friends and Family,

I get the feeling our weekends are becoming more laid back with Pioneer around.

Saturday, we gave Pioneer a bath. We played with her and took a video of Pioneer moving her head following a toy. Mr. mouse took a nap with Pioneer on the deck. And, the rest of the day was dedicated to the usual, feeding, diapers and sleeping.

Sunday, we took Pioneer out to Babies R Us do some returns and to pick up some breast pump accessories. Then, we went out to lunch before driving home. She managed the trip well. And, I think we have a solution around buying us some time outside. I pump a bottle in advance of the trip. But, we don't give it to her until she's hungry. That buys us up to five hours depending upon timing.

Sunday evening, I held Pioneer while she napped. There's nothing in the world better. She's growing quickly, and there will come a time when she has no interest in being held and I won't have as much time. So, I've been enjoying it while I can.

Last night, she slept like a trooper. She slept from around 9 to 1. Then, from 1:30 to 6. Then, from 6:30 to 9. She put on some good poundage the last two days, so we were okay letting her go that long. It felt decadent.

We're hitting an inflection point. Pioneer's outgrowing her newborn diapers and her newborn clothes (which I'm really sad about), and she's moving up in bottle serving size to three ounces (which I'm paradoxically really excited about). Her CRL (crown to rump length) is the length of my arm from my elbow to the tip of my hand.

She's sleeping again now. Mr. mouse is updating his fantasy baseball team. And, I am blogging (before noon) and having my breakfast.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

sounds like you're hitting a good stride. how is mouse doing these days? miss you!