Friday, June 05, 2009

Mommy Time

Dear Friends and Family,

Pioneer's awake and alert I am not holding her or reading to her or playing with her. I am shockingly neglecting her while I have my cereal and coffee and write my blog. She's safe in her pack and play and amused with watching her hands. I'll go down soon enough to be with her.

Yesterday, P and I made it through the whole day by ourselves. The morning was tough, she was fussy. But, we slept, again, in the afternoon and made it until Mr. mouse came home last night. Today's our third attempt at home alone time. Then, Mr. mouse is taking time off so I should be better prepared for July.

Oh. There she goes. Mommy time is officially over.

Lots of spit up. Glorious spit up.

My step-mother-in-law bought Pioneer a closet full of clothes. Only she knowingly bought clothes she likes, not clothes we like. She said as much just before we opened the box. We dress P in lots of white, yellow, green, brown, and, frankly, blue. Those are the colors Mr. mouse and I like, so those are the colors she wears. Oh, we also like bright red. Noticeably absent from the list? You guessed it. Pink.

Just so we're all on the same page. I wanted a girl. And, I wanted a girl I could dress my way. So, do we return the clothes? Keep them but not use them? Sigh. Guess I'm not the only selfish one in the family.



Rochelle said...

Mouse- Dress her your way. Speaking from experience, once my daughter was old enough to form an opinion (around 2) I lost all control over outfits. Be selfish now while you can!! I rarely had my daughter in pink. I always had her in red. Same with my son, I just loved the way red looked against their skin.

Trixie said...

Gosh it's such a bummer those clothes just didn't fit her properly! Im sure the replacements will be simple and lovely. :). Xoxoxo