Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mouse Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Trixie asked, "how is mouse doing these days?"

Which is a very good question. How IS mouse doing these days?

I've been taking my usual approach to it all - trying to take it all in while trying to take it all in stride. I've been told the usual "you look great" which always feels good. I'm 138 pounds now, which gets me back into non-maternity pants, albeit not my original size, but non-panel pants nonetheless. My eventual goal is to get back to 116-120. I've been averaging about a pound a week which seems like a good pace.

I'm getting my sleep. Pioneer sleeps in 4-5 hour stretches at night. I usually get 8-10 hours in a 10-12 hour stretch which is more than what I was getting before we had her.

I feel totally healed from a physical standpoint. And, hormonally, things have settled down as well.

I've been blissfully enjoying the past week and half with Mr. mouse home. It gives me good time with both of them. And, when I need a break, I can take a break. I have a feeling it won't be as stress-free once he goes back to work.

So, in summary, how is mouse doing these days?

I'm doing very well, thank you. Just doing what makes me happiest - taking each day as it comes and enjoying the little things life has to offer.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

now if that's not a mantra for living, i don't know what is: "Just doing what makes me happiest - taking each day as it comes and enjoying the little things life has to offer."

well done you. SO glad you are healthy and so very happy. xoxox can't wait to see you - hopefully SOON!