Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Putting Ghosts to Bed

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse went back to work today after taking three weeks off to spend with Pioneer and me. I'm so glad we got to spend the time together. Although Pioneer won't remember the time, Mr. mouse will and equally importantly, I will.

Every relationship has baggage, and I'll be the first to admit ours has some. We've had a sore point in the past where I've asked Mr. mouse to take time off, he seemingly agreed, but when push came to shove, it didn't happen. Some were for longer periods of time, some shorter. Each time I felt betrayed like work was more important than our relationship and I felt that something was broken in our communication process.

I asked Mr. mouse to take time off with Pioneer and he knew and I knew and he knew I knew and I knew he knew I knew that it was more than a one off request. It was a request to make amends for the prior times and a request to help put those ghosts to bed. It was a request to say please say this is worth it.

And he delivered. There were a couple of emails and a couple of calls and a couple of trips into the office, but overall, he took the time off and we're all the better for it.

Now, sadly, I'm into my final five weeks. Then, my baby will be in someone else's hands while I go back to work as well. She's upstairs sleeping while I have breakfast and blog. Then, I'll spend some time watching her and getting stuff done around the house.


PS: She was a champ on the ride home yesterday. Woke up twice to eat and once for a diaper. And, she slept the rest of the trip until the last thirty minutes. We caved and gave her a pacifier for it until we got home. No point in stopping for an hour when you're so close to home.

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