Thursday, June 04, 2009

Home Alone

Dear Friends and Family,

It wasn't glamorous, but we made it through the day yesterday after dropping off my Mom.

We came home and I carried P up to the living room to change her. Then, I went upstairs to feed her. Afterward, I swaddled her and brought her down to the living room. It bought me two minutes of time to wash my hands, put a couple of slices of cold pizza and half a cookie onto a plate. Add a can of soda, and voila, lunch.

I picked up Pioneer and ate on the couch. I told you it wasn't glamorous.

Then, we went upstairs for two giant burps and a communal nap. Pioneer woke at three to feed. Then we both went back to sleep until 6:30. She fed again and then Mr. mouse came home and we all had dinner together - turkey panini sandwiches for the two of us and pizza flavored milk for P.

Pioneer and I napped while Mr. mouse did some follow-up tax work. And, that was how we made it through our first day alone. (I guess our true first day alone was Wednesday when we came home from the hospital. But this was my first 1:1 time with Pioneer.)


1 comment:

Trixie said...

well sounds like you've got the basics covered, my dear! definitely glad to hear you're taking advantage of the napping hours while you can! love the announcement too - so cute! xoxoxo