Monday, June 29, 2009

06.29.09: First Road Trip

Dear Friends and Family,

We loaded up the car for Pioneer's first road trip. How does someone so small generate so much luggage? There's the pack and play, the stroller, the car seat, the diaper bag, the clothes, the blankets, the toys, the diapers, the wipes, the back up bottles, the back up formula... It's truly impressive.

We had to make three stops on the drive over. The first two took about an hour a piece for feedings - we ate during the first one and Mr. mouse picked up groceries during the second one. The third was a splash and dash diaper change. It took a little over seven hours for what was previously a four hour trip. Pioneer slept for pieces of the ride. She cried for pieces of the ride. She was awake for about thirty minutes. We all made it in one piece, except for the car, which lost a mirror Saturday night.

We had dinner Saturday night with friends. And, on Sunday, we visited a friend who couldn't make it to dinner and then hung out at another friends' house for the afternoon and evening. It was all low key and manageable with Pioneer. She's slept fine in the hotel room in her pack and play. And, she's been managing with the different feeding locations. We'll see how it all pans out when we get home and weigh her. I'm concerned because she's been eating less frequently for shorter periods of time - the math isn't reassuring. But, if she's hungry, she should eat longer, right? Human self-preservation does kick in at some point, doesn't it?

Today, we have a dentist appointment and then the drive back home. Tomorrow, I'm on my own. Mr. mouse goes back to work for three days. And, that brings me to the home stretch - four weeks on my own with Pioneer before I go back to work. It goes too quickly. She's so precious.


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