Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Four Weeks Old

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, Mr. mouse, Pioneer and I celebrated Pioneer's four week birthday. We sang to her, and when she had her night time bottle, she had a "Happy Birthday" bottle a little later with an extra ounce of milk since she's been so busy growing.

Fortunately for my sanity, the day by day changes aren't as dramatic as they were the first couple of weeks. She's continuing to put on weight and look more mature, but it's not as fast paced as it was the first week where I noticed differences every day.

What tricks has Pioneer mastered recently?

There's the poopy diaper look. She doesn't do it all the time, but when she does, it's the best. She gets alert with a look of discovery on her face with her mouth in a little o. Then, she gets focused with her brows together and her face pushing. And, then, poopy diaper. Sometimes there are repeat performances, sometimes it's only one showing.

Her yawns have volume now. It's not just opening her mouth and stretching. You can feel her exhale.

She's feeding better now - staying awake and paying attention.

And, best of all, over the weekend and again last night, she reached for one of her toys. She reached for monkey and she reached for elephant on the mobile. I'm not sure it's purposeful, but I love it nonetheless.

On the physical changes front... Her butt is beginning to fill out into that cute, round baby's butt that everyone loves. Her feet are all healed from the multiple blood draws from the jaundice. Her hair is growing in. She still has hairy little shoulders that I love to kiss. Her forehead isn't as hairy, so you can see her eyebrows. Her legs are stretched out and plumper and more finished looking. And, when she cries, she can shed enough tears to have a drop or two flow down her cheek.

Thursday, we celebrate her one month birthday.


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