Monday, August 10, 2009

08.10.09: First Cold, Compliments of Daycare

Dear Friends and Family,

Considering Pioneer just started daycare and she just started sucking on her hand all of the time (she started here and there before daycare, but really hit it hard this past week), it should be no surprise to anyone that she caught her first cold this past week.

Saturday, she started showing all of the classic cold symptoms - runny nose, congestion, and coughing. Sunday, it continued with the addition of yellow and green to her nasal discharge. And, today, Mr. mouse is staying home with her to help her get some more rest and 1:1 care.

We took three month footprints on Sunday. And, took three month photos. Yes, it goes that quickly. Fortunately, we caught her in a good spell so it all worked out.

We also took Pioneer in on Sunday - to have the doctor look at her cold and because of the dratted weight check which we can never seem to get behind us. I'm convinced this is something that's going to haunt us until she's weaned. And, frankly, the pressure is something I can do without. I want to enjoy the time with her, not be counting down the months until she's on table food. Hopefully we can get this behind us at some point. Seriously.

For now, we're upping her bottle to 6 ounces. I hope I can keep up supply wise. And, I hope she doesn't become lazy and start to prefer the bottle. She was a marginal eater on Sunday. I'm not sure if it's from all of the bottles at daycare or if it's because she was sick. I'm hoping it's the latter.

And, last but not least, we picked up a new pump on Sunday because the current one is so bulky. Turns out the accessories aren't as compatible as we had thought, so we need to invest in a couple of new pieces.

So, instead of a smooth week ahead of second week of daycare, second week of work, I feel like I've got sick baby, sick mommy, new pumping needs, new pumping process, and missing parts on my hands. Sigh. Sooner or later we'll be rocking and rolling.


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