Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Dear Friends and Family,

I love Mr. mouse. I love P. But, they're very different kinds of love.

It goes deeper than the obvious - one is my spouse, the other is my child.

Mr. mouse is a constant. On a day by day, week by week basis he doesn't change a lot. I've known him for almost 15 years now. He is who he is, mostly. And, we've been together for a long time. And, we'll be together for a long time more. We've got a lifetime journey to share.

Pioneer is different. The changes on a week by week basis still stun me. After all, she's 14 weeks old now and a completely different person than she was when she was born. And, although the pace of change will slow, it's still light speed compared to Mr. mouse.

I've been with P for a short period of time. And, unlike Mr. mouse, it isn't a lifetime we have to share. At some point, she'll have her own life. We'll still be together, but not for dinner every night. She won't sleep in our room every night. We'll still be a family, but she'll move on.

Mr. mouse's love has a permanence to it. I've compared it to a steady fire burning away in the fireplace - something I find warming and comforting. P's love seems more ephemeral. And, because of that, it seems more fragile and precious. I'm sure it'll continue to evolve as she continues to grow.

For now, I'm just grateful I've got two such wonderful people to share life with.


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