Thursday, August 13, 2009

Almost Friday

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Thursday.

Our Winter Cabin neighbors arrived yesterday for a visit. They'll be here through the weekend. We ate pizza, played with P and turned in for the night.

Today's a working day for the working folks and a day at the zoo and eating cupcakes for the non-working folks. And, for P, it's a day at daycare for her. I think she's staying home with Mr. mouse tomorrow.

I know you're tired of reading about my sideline creamery, but it's top of mind for me.

I'm finally feeling some iota of confidence that there's enough milk for Pioneer. There were a couple of days that were close, but so far, I've been able to pump enough each day to meet that day's consumption. Which means, knock on wood, barring any unforeseen circumstances, I may be able to make it through to the six month point when she starts solids. Which means, knock on wood, barring any unforeseen circumstances, I may be able to make it through to the one year point when she transitions to cow's milk. We'll see.


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