Friday, August 21, 2009

Crib Time and Upright Time

Dear Friends and Family,

How has this evolved from a blog about me to a blog about P?

Well, last night was her first night solo in the crib in a long while. She did well, but woke a little earlier than usual - 3:15 vs. 5:00. She's back asleep now. We'll do two nights in the crib next week and see how she does. It makes sense to have her spend the bulk of her time there, going forward. But, I don't want her to lose her flexibility which is super useful when we travel.

And, now, I need to gripe. Mr. mouse has been REALLY dropping the ball when it comes to her morning upright time. I know he's tired. I am too. But, three days ago, he cut it short and they both fell asleep on the bed. Yesterday, he cut it short and they fell asleep on the bed. And, this morning, he cut it short and he put her down in her crib. Another morning this week (was it Tuesday?), we gave her a topper since she got up early. But, he was super slow about waking her so she didn't have her full 20 minutes before we put her in the car seat.

I know he thinks her reflux is getting better. And, I agree, on a whole, she's doing way better than she was a couple of months ago. But, she's still an ABSOLUTE nightmare in the car. That may be random chance. It may be reflux. I TOTALLY resent the fact that he's taking shortcuts that I then need to deal with the ramifications of.

My other option is I hold her upright for 20 minutes in the morning. Well, that's 20 minutes less sleep for me. And, I'm already napping in the evening because 1. I'm drowsy at work, 2. I'm drowsy on the road, 3. I feel like it affects my milk supply, 4. Mr. mouse doesn't want me to have caffeinated beverages because it may suppress P's appetite. I feel so boxed into a corner on this one. And, I can tell by my rant, I'm going to let him have it when he gets up this morning.


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