Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Back at Work

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, they did a bang up job at work welcoming me back. Everyone stopped by to see how I was doing and to congratulate me. And, my boss told me that my number one priority is Pioneer, but, here's the work we need to get done. Some people might think that's callous, but it's not. It made me feel needed - there's work I can do that makes my contribution meaningful and impactful. That's why I work. Otherwise, I'd just stay at home and be entertained by P.

Speaking of P, she seemed to have made it through her first day at daycare in one piece. From what we can gather, the first couple of naps were rough, but she got one good one in and the teachers are optimistic that today's naps will be easier. I'm feeling better about today too. Hopefully each day will get easier until we have a sick day - which will happen sooner or later.

She got home, ate like it was going out of fashion, and fell asleep. We woke her for her evening feeding and let her sleep some more. Hopefully tonight we get some alert time. I stopped by daycare to play with her a bit before Mr. mouse came to pick us up. She's started using her hand as a pacifier. I'm not sure how I feel about this. She did it once or twice over the weekend before daycare so I don't think the two are related. There are worse things...

Pumping: I got three sessions in, not without some juggling. I was able to pump three bottle's worth (which is what P gets at daycare) plus a little extra which is reassuring. Hopefully this gets easier each day as well.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

yay - congrats. sounds like you all did swimmingly on your first day! glad to know it was all a smooth transition. xoxox