Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sleep Training

Dear Friends and Family,

Longer post tomorrow...

I'm already exhausted which is a bad sign since it's only Tuesday. I began to wonder if I wasn't sleeping as deeply with P in the bed. And, since P is now well on her way to four month old hood we decided to start sleep training. Last night, she slept in her pack and play bassinet. The plan is to sleep her in it for the rest of the week. Weekends I might be tempted to spoil her.

And, we'll pick one night this week for her to sleep in her crib, in her room, solo.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

finally catching up - you're doing great mouse. really. i know week 2 ended with lots of new moving parts but it sounds like you're really transitioning like a champ. proud of you.

hope you've been having fun with the guests!
