Monday, October 07, 2013

10.07.13: Inflection Point

Dear Friends and Family,

Finally! A weekend on calm.

Saturday, P went to school. Yes, she went to school on Saturday. She just started an "enrichment" program that meets on Saturdays. The program is focused on language, math and science. P picked the science class for the fall semester. She loved it. It's sad to think we lose two and a half hours of quality Saturday time with her. But, if she's enjoying it, then I guess I am excited for her. It's just that it didn't hit me until this weekend that we were losing that Saturday morning time together.

Saturday afternoon we played at home painting a rocket ship. That's all we did and it was fabulous.

Sunday, P went to school while I went to church. Then, we went to the park since we hadn't been there for months. P had fun playing in the hammock. And, she conquered the next level of climbing on the net. She's growing so quickly.

After the park, we headed out to the burbs for lunch. P wanted to go to our favorite Korean restaurant, so with nothing on the agenda for the day, we drove out. P and I napped on the way home. And, once P woke up, we built the rocket ship. It's quickly become a house for P and me and toddler kid. A space age house where you can press a button and get food and clothes and medicine, but a house nonetheless.

It was a relaxing weekend. And, now, I'm somewhat gearing up for the week. Still lots to do. But, it's a more routine week. Today will be busy for work, both the day and the afternoon while P is napping. Tomorrow will be busy for work, but just the day. I will have time in the afternoon for me. Wednesday, I have a doctor's appointment during the day. And, I'll have time in the afternoon for me, I hope. Thursday, will be busy at work, but just the day. I will have time in the afternoon for me. Friday, I have the whole day blocked off. I've got about an hour of work. And, the rest of the day is mouse time.

Wow, it feels good to think there's so much time available for me. I think I've hit an inflection point.


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