Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mini Updates from the Mini Suburbs

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse is headed out tomorrow to pick up the eBay goods. I'll post pictures after the weekend, when, hopefully, we assemble it all.

We've finally had some rain here. It rained a couple of days last week, but yesterday was the first day of steady rain we've had in a long time. Mr. mouse brought over our "rain-luck-charm" so it seems to be working. More rain forecasted for this week :)

Last night, I met with an old friend from school. He's a financial planner now. And, somehow, after speaking with him, I'm considering changing from UBS to Edward Jones. I'm not sure I have a preference between the two brands, but I am forming a preference between the two agents. He's just much better than my current agent at explaining everything and giving good examples. Also, he showed some math as to why his fee structure is a lot more profitable in the long run for us. Once things calm down on the home front, we might consider switching operations. Back burner for now.

And, last, but not least, yesterday, I hit my 30 lb loss mark. Yeah for me!


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