Friday, August 25, 2006

Mountains Out of Mole Hills

Dear Friends and Family,

What an ABSOLUTE debacle yesterday turned out to be.

I went out Wednesday night to meet up with my friend for dinner. We tried a new restaurant a couple of blocks from the house. Yummy yummy to the tummy tummy.

Yesterday morning there was a freak thunderstorm and the airport turned into mass chaos... flights cancelled, flights delayed, runways closed, you name it we had it.

So, I promised a colleague at work that I would take care of some stuff for a meeting we had. And, with the flight disaster, I couldn't. I'll take full ownership of that. My bad.

But, it got so blown out of proportion. It was telling. Me. I would have winged it. Found a way to make it work. My god. How many times have I had to wing it when things don't go my way? But, no, oh the drama. It was ridiculous.

To top it all off, the 30 minute meeting. It was cancelled. So, the actual impact of me being late? Nil.


Let's not have more of those days. It's like seeing yourself in the makeup mirror - the close ups sometimes reveal details we're better off not seeing. In others AND in ourselves.

Putting it all behind me, I'm off to the gym this morning. Hopefully, it'll help me find center.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

90/10 - I'm interested whether you wrote the note to me before this debacle?! Not sure it matters in theory, but an interesting test to the conversation - it all happened and you survived and in the end, you were none the worse for wear. Not sure what that means though.

New gigs? Here or there? Enquiring minds...

xoxo love-