Pizza. It's one of my favorite foods. It's also not Weight Watchers friendly. What's a mouse to do? Give up pizza? Never! Let's take the Weight Watchers philosophy back to it's roots. And, see if we can learn more.
Small changes in your life can mean big changes in your weight.
Okay. I can do that. So what qualifies as a small change in pizza? Well let's break a slice down into its core components.
- crust
- sauce
- cheese
- toppings
Basically, the rule here is the thinner the better. Thin crust is best, pan is marginally worse and deep dish is the worst. Don't get me wrong, I love deep dish pizza, but I recognize it's not the healthiest option on the menu.
Stick with tomato based sauces. The cream sauces get you. See my pasta topper post for info on points differences.
Quality matters. A little good mozzarella tastes a ton better than lots of bad mozzarella. Stay away from extra cheese and go to a place that has good cheese.
Okay. This isn't rocket science here, boys and girls. Meat lovers, bad. Veggie, good. So, I do mushroom, onion, basil, and plain cheese now. And, if I have to have a meat, I go with a single topping, not a combo pack.
So, I guess they are right, small changes can mean big changes over time. Oh, and one last thought, portion control. Have the pizza with a salad or a fruit dessert to make the meal go farther. If you try to fill up on pizza alone, it'll be too "expensive" points-wise.
PS: A tooth on my lower right side feels funny, might be time for an emergency trip to the dentist. Will keep you posted.
PPS: My first blogger photo collage :)
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