Thursday, August 31, 2006

Mole Hills Round III

Dear Friends and Family,

You remember last week's drama on Thursday?

We had a close call on Sunday when the flights back from Seattle filled up. Mr. mouse bought a one way ticket at the last minute as an insurance policy to getting home. Fun. Fun. Fun. We made it home, barely. We got the last two seats on the first leg. And, made the second leg by 2 seconds, literally.

Well, hoping to avoid all of that AND more importantly all of the drama associated with it all, we actually BOUGHT a ticket for yesterday morning's flight. Wouldn't you know it, the flight gets delayed for over an hour due to mechanicals. And, the words out of my dear colleague's mouth?

"That's unacceptable."

I could have screamed. Don't get me wrong, I felt bad about it all. I really did. Ask Mr. mouse. He saw me running frantically from gate to gate before coming back to my original gate and collapsing in a pile of tears.

What got me was that she was upset at the lack of commitment from the overall team - another person bagged on the meeting. And, she was in a rush to go on vacation herself. So why take it out on me? Because I'm available? We need a "#$%@! happens" t-shirt for her. We really do.

What I've come to realize is that she can be a control freak. Everyone must be in their spot at every moment, because at any moment she might need to ask them something. Any moment someone is somewhere else is a moment they're not accessible to "move the ball forward."

Hello. Some of us have a life outside of work. And, if I had a sick kid? Would that be unacceptable? Would that be a "lifestyle choice" that I would need to have a bullet-proof plan for? Come to think of it, I can still scream prettily easily about it. It just ticks me off to no end.

The poison associated with my current work can't be good for my health. So, here's my resolve.

September 18th. I'll be back from vacation. I'll have a week to do the pile of errands that will crop up. And, then, I will focus renewed energy on a new job for mouse. Something not in this group. I'll miss Frenchie, but it's time for a change.

September 18th. I'm finally ready.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

Which body part is driving you nuts?! I'm telling you, that IS unacceptable and if I'm reading between the lines correctly, she thinks your situation is a "lifestyle choice." So tell her your kid is sick next time. With a straight face and no irony. Complete BS.

Anyway, my only parting shot is I hope you focus first on finding a job where you miss all of us.
