Thursday, November 30, 2006

Silicon Valley, Day 3

Dear Friends and Family,

Help! I've been bitten by the bug and caught the disease. I can't help but be excited by and enamored with the start-up atmosphere here in the Valley. What do I like? The small group atmosphere, the innovation, the humility, the smartness, the scrappiness, the sheer persistence, the openness to new ideas... The list seems endless.

I was telling Mr. mouse about it all. And, maybe, after another couple of years with a large corporation, I might be willing to do the start-up thing. Mentally, I'm trying to balance being a good corporate citizen and being selfishly self-centered. The traditional model, you know, have a steady job, get a smaller but steady paycheck, save for a modest but comfortable retirement. The job is just a job. And, then there's the new model... Job hop, go big, take risks... The job is life enrichment. Not sure where I land on this. Actually, I know exactly where I land on this.

I'm moving in with Mr. mouse. I'm trying out a new job and seeing if I enjoy it or not. I'm going to save some $$$ by going down to a single mortgage and all that it entails. This will buy me LOTS of flexibility... Maybe more flexibility than I really want or need, but, hey, I'm not complaining. I'm going to see how the next 2-3 years go. And, we'll go from there.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

yea mouse! well done you! it's the right time and the right place to do that searching and you're now in the perfect position to play, learn, grow. so happy for you!