Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More Cookies Please, Not!

Dear Friends and Family,

I nearly threw the computer out the window yesterday. Mr. mouse was able to find and fix the problem.

Cause: remember when I disabled cookies on my computer so I could track who was tracking me? Blogger required a cookie to use, which I was okay with - I just cleared the cookie frequently. Well, when "new" blogger came out, it required a Google cookie in addition to the Blogger cookie which I was less okay with - after all that adds my search info to my cookie info... okay, more manual clearing. I can deal. Now, there's a third cookie that needs to be allowed to make blogger function.

Symptoms: Blogger couldn't login... You'd enter your user id and password and it would get stuck in a continual, indefinite loop trying to authenticate you and login on. Instead, it would redirect between sites and get stuck.

Solution: I downloaded a second browser and allowed all three Google cookies. It'll be used only for posting/reading blogs. And, my primary browser will go back to being my primary browser. Problem fixed.


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