Thursday, January 04, 2007

Working Out is Hard to Do

Dear Friends and Family,

Went to the gym both Tues and Wed night. Wasn't sure how it'd all work out with the new gym and the new routine and everything. But, figured it was time to try it all out.

Tues night, my workout was cut short because I told Mr. mouse I would be ready by a set time for him to pick me up. Then, I ran a little behind in getting down to the gym. Then, I ran more behind in getting laundry service set up. Even more behind when I realized I now have to remove make up before exercising. And, the result? I skipped my cardio and did weights only. For upper body, most of my routines are free weights, which translates well from gym to gym. But, this gym doesn't have 8 lb or 12.5 lb dumbbells, so I've got to pick between 5, 10 and 15 lb dumbbells. I took it slow on Tues and felt fine yesterday. Today, I'm sore. This is normal.

Wed night was an absolute fiasco... I left my car (and locker) keys at my desk, so I had to walk back to get them - 10 minute round trip. Then, I realized I had to use my badge to lock the temp locker so I need to get let back into the gym. Then, the whole make up routine. And, my lunch wasn't agreeing with me. And, I was hungry. But, I hit cardio with a vengeance. Okay, not quite sure what happened in between Thanksgiving and now and in between switching machines, but holy cow, it was hard. HARD! Did I say, hard? It was killer hard. Okay, lower body weights next. Unfortunately for me, this is mostly machine driven and I can't say I have them all figured out yet. I guessed at weights since the machines are different, and I can't say I love the abductor/adductor machine. It's just old. And, there's no glutes machine...

Now, the fun begins. Skipped the shower since it was already late. Packed up and headed out. Well, come to learn, they'd closed ALL of the doors. And, I needed to go through the basement of the building to the one door that's card controlled. And, then I needed to walk the perimeter of this beast of a building to get to my car. Keep in mind it takes 5 minutes to walk through the building... around it, well, we all took geometry, it's longer than through it. And, it's cold and dark and kinda scary out there. Well, get to the car, and find out then they'd closed all of the exits and only one mysterious exit is open. Could they make it any harder?!?!

Well, I guess yesterday was all about learning. And, learn I did. Here's to transitions.


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