Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's the Little Things

Dear Friends and Family,

I was leaving work late last night. Not super late. But, late. And, I had hit the gym, but still late... It was 8:40 when I left my desk and I was tired and hungry and cross.

But, when I got to the building doors, I realized, there were still vestiges of daylight outside. It was still a little light out. It wasn't completely dark. And, that totally made my day. And then, when I was walking out to my car, I passed a bunch of fireflies. Fireflies? I haven't seen fireflies since middle school. And, last night, of all nights, there were a bunch on my way to the car and then all along side the road to the the highway entrance. I love fireflies. And then, on the drive home, I passed a carnival being set up. And, they were testing out the lights on the Ferris wheel.

I love summer. Between it being light out, and the fireflies, and the carnival lights, I was in a completely different mind frame. Happy mouse.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

Light and happy mouse. The real trick is keeping your heart open to seeing all of those wonderous little things...such a smart mouse. xoxox