Monday, June 11, 2007

What a Day...

Dear Friends and Family,

As you've probably noticed, there was no weekend update this morning. I'll have to do that tomorrow. We got in late Sunday night. And, because of some deplorable planning on our team's part (which kinda irked me), I turned on the computer around 10:30 last night. Five hours later, I felt like it had been a waste of my time, but what can you do? Set the alarm clock for 5 o'clock, knowing that 90 minutes of sleep isn't going to sustain me. Thank goodness for sleeping on mass transit.

I catch the train, get a seat and promptly fall asleep. Too bad I sleep past my stop! I get off and call a taxi company. They project a 30 minute wait for a cab. Uh no. I catch the train in reverse to catch a later bus and I'm annoyed as all get out because I'm now even more behind. I get to the bus platform and it turns out my original bus never showed. Funny, it totally blew for all the people waiting, but it totally made my morning. The next bus was twenty minutes late (ugh) and I got to work just before 9 am. What a disaster.

After comparing notes with a colleague, we decided the work we both did the night before was a waste of time. And, we need a new approach for the afternoon meeting. I was ready to turn around and go right back home, but I made it through the day.

Time to get some shut eye. Will write about the weekend tomorrow.


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