Monday, August 27, 2007

08.27.07: Um... Okay, Let's Go

Dear Friends and Family,

Friday night, Mr. mouse came home and asked if I wanted to go to Seattle for the weekend. His friend could get tickets to the Seattle Seahawks/Minnesota Vikings pre-game. We had plans with one of my colleagues for dinner, but she was okay canceling, so, on a whim and a prayer, we decided to go up to the Emerald City for the game.

Saturday morning, we woke and packed and left the house by 8AM. Our plan was to fly into Vancouver and drive down for the game. We would drive back up and leave early Sunday morning out of Vancouver for home. If time permitted, we had grand illusions of stopping for dim sum in Vancouver and Chinese in Seattle.

We left at 8AM. And, we just made it for the 6PM game. That means, between driving up to the airport, flying over, going through immigrations at the airport, going through immigrations at border control, and driving down through traffic, we spent 12 hours getting from point A to point B. Kill me now. We had just enough time to duck into the supermarket and pick up some sushi for the game.

The game itself was fun. It was my first NFL game. I'm not sure. I know I like F1 more. And, 95% certain I like baseball games more. But still, I enjoyed it. The funniest thing happened while we were looking for our friends outside of the stadium. Who do I spy? My cousin. Busted! Didn't tell her we were coming over. I couldn't believe it. What are the chances? I was so jazzed. We caught up briefly before the game and she came over to our seats briefly during the game. And, we caught up more after the game. What fun!

After the game, we all hemmed and hawed on what to do next. And, by default, since we were just by Chinatown, we ended up in a restaurant there with food in front of us. It was a perfect venue for just decompressing and chatting. After dinner, Mr. mouse and I roamed Chinatown by car looking for wi-fi access. We found it in front of a hotel. He logged on quick to check the flights before we headed up to Vancouver for the night.

I slept the whole way back. And, we slept in the hotel for a couple of hours before heading to the airport for our return flight. Back home by noon on Sunday, we showered and grabbed our gear for a day of relaxation on the deck. I wanted to make sure the hammock didn't blow away again like it did last week during the storms, so I planted myself on it with a couple of good books. Mr. mouse had the sofa with sunscreen and his newspapers. We had the radio and a cooler full of drinks. That's the last thing I remember. Cause, the next thing I know, it's 7PM, and a cool breeze woke me from my blissful nap. What a way to enjoy the day.

We had pasta and salad for dinner before heading out to the supermarket for our weekly groceries. And, that was the weekend.


PS: We have five friends in the Seattle area. One is a school friend who I have no qualms about not looking up on such short notice. Two are Mr. mouse's friends who we saw at the game. One is my cousin who we also saw at the game, albeit in an unplanned sort of way. And, one is Mr. mouse's friend from college... If you're reading this, we look forward to seeing you in a couple of months for the annual birthday bash. And, if you're not reading this. Well, then, if a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

PPS: We were folding laundry last night. And, by chance I began to wonder about all of those probability problems from grade school about pulling to socks at random from a pile and having them match. So, I matched and folded socks with my eyes closed. Would you believe a pair matched? What are the chances?!?! Well, they could be calculated, but I'm too lazy for that this morning. It was fun seeing the mismatched combinations and watching Mr. mouse shake his head in amusement.


Trixie said...

yea - how fun is that?! I love Seattle!! Thanks so much for the messages over the weekend - it was great to hear from you and even better to have the cheerleading! xoxoxoxxo

Hey There said...

The funny thing is we were taking pictures of the kids with pigs in Seattle this weekend, and after posting them to flickr, I check out the Contacts' streams as usual, and ... I see 2 other Seattle pigs! One from a friend we'd lunched with in Chinatown just the day before, and yours in front of the Waj.

Great story. And yeah, I do walk your forest regularly!