Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Women's Leadership Conference: Day 1

Dear Friends and Family,

I promise I will write about the card sort game, but there's too much to write about right now. I went yesterday afternoon to register for my three day conference on women's leadership. It's with a bunch of people from old work. And, it happens to be here in Chicago.

I thought my chances of getting invited were slim to none so I didn't get my hopes up. But, I got invited! Then, I thought my chances of convincing my boss to let me go were slim to none so I didn't get my hopes up. But, he said yes! You wouldn't believe how excited I was once I realized I'd get to go. My hands were shaking and I was grinning from ear to ear.

I went to the conference last year. And, it was a real motivational event. I found a lot of personal power and confidence from attending. And, I'm totally jazzed to go today and tomorrow and learn and grow and focus and remember and represent. On top of all that goodness, I've run into and caught up with a ton of people from old work from really good friends to casual acquaintances - it makes me miss old work.

Yesterday's event started with registration, dinner, and then a workshop. The dinner welcome was by the regional office, the Chicago Bulls mascot, then the conference lead, then another executive. Each spoke about how important this is. And, how it doesn't become anything until we internalize it and make it something. They kept it fun and engaging.

After dinner, I crashed a workshop. I didn't think there would be room, but I went and checked and it worked out perfectly. It was a theater workshop where we learned some of the basics about acting. I have to say, I enjoyed it. I'm glad I went. The workshops were all about building confidence.

Then, two of my close friends came back to the mouse pad with me and we did the house tour and then found our spots on the deck to catch up for the night. Mr. mouse and I dropped them off at midnight. And, I crashed for the night.

I'm looking forward to what today brings. And, the thoughts that will begin to germinate from here. I hope it's not awkward since I'm no longer at old work. And, I hope I come away with something I didn't have before. I know I will. I just don't want to get my hopes up.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

yea how fun! i had no idea you were doing this...such a great opportunity to continue that good-stuff feeling from last year!!! go get 'em mousie! xoxox