Friday, August 24, 2007

Retire in 2018?

Dear Friends and Family,

We met with our financial adviser just before we left for Turkey. And, we had our yearly review where we went over our portfolio and our financial plan. During our quarterly reviews we only go over our portfolio since our retirement goals shouldn't be changing 4X a year.

We had him run a couple of additional scenarios. And, there's one in particular that I like. It has us saving my paycheck through 2018. Then, as long as one of us maxes out our 401k for the next 10 years, we'll be able to retire by 2028. This gives us a lot of flexibility since it means one or both of us can pursue lower-paying, more-fulfilling, more-flexible jobs.

It's kinda scary to be thinking retirement, but it is what it is. And, having a plan gives an immeasurable amount of comfort and motivation.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

this does sound great - but is it retire in 2018 or 2028? I'm so confused but it might be the sore muscles screwing up my brain... xoxox