Friday, August 17, 2007

Women's Leadership Conference: Day 2 General Session

Dear Friends and Family,

Sorry I didn't write yesterday morning. I got home close to midnight the night before and I got up super early the next morning. To make up for it, I've got lots of posts today. Whoopee!

Day two of the conference was the main day for speakers and workshops. We started with a welcome from the person leading conference and she spoke about what she wanted us to tackle in the upcoming year. Her key message can be broken down into four pieces:
  1. believe in yourself
  2. have courage
  3. take the responsibility
  4. take action
And, she pointed out an interesting difference between men and women, in general, and it's SO true. Men in a pack will go after the weakest man and eliminate him from the group. But, women will go after the strongest woman and eliminate her. Why do we do that? She challenged us to think about it and change it.

Then, the CEO from old work spoke. And, he asked three questions for each of us to answer.
  1. What are my talents?
  2. How do I take that into the world?
  3. Who do I serve?
Excellent questions. I'm not sure I have the answers now. But, it's something to think about as I continue on this journey.

Then, another executive from old work. And, she told a story about her aunt and what her aunt did for her. And, how now she tries to do the same for younger women she mentors. I had no idea until she shared with us, that she had started life in an unhappy, arranged marriage. She had to work up the courage to leave and get her first job. And, she had to learn interview skills, what to wear to an interview, professional skills, in short, everything. And, now that I know her story, she's so much more of a role model. If she had the strength and courage to do that, surely I can do the piddly things that come up in my life.

Then, we had two speakers on networking - the president of old work and a colleague I know from the field. I liked her speech a lot more. And, she broke it down into three key messages:
  • networking is larger than you
  • reach out to people who can help you
  • make your network come alive for you
And, last but definitely not least, the keynote speaker. Our keynote speaker is a female reverend from Africa. She is an amazing speaker! (Every year's keynote is amazing, but, still, wow!) She started with saying, "It's amazing how much can be accomplished when it doesn't matter who gets the credit." Then, she turned that back on us, to say that's a convenient line when it's the women doing the work and others getting the credit. She continued with, "We are determined to create a world in which those of us who work get to share in the credit."

She challenged us. We all have our fears and doubts. "Am I woman enough for the world? Am I woman enough to have a piece of the world?... The woman I am, the woman I was created to be, has always been woman enough for the world." How powerful is it to think about it in that context?

She told us inspirational stories about women who lead and women who listen, and how both are critical to be whole. She told us, "the truth is that when you lead from the heart, when you act with all the authority that is in you, when you live your commitment, there will be some people who gripe and try to take you down, but every authentic action is a power surge for someone, it gives someone the confidence to take the authentic action they need to take."

And she ended with the simplest statement. She repeated it three times. "The future depends on you."


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