Friday, May 01, 2009

05.01.09 (Week 38, Day 7): May Baby

Dear Friends and Family,

Where are we at now? 38 down, anytime in the next 4 weeks.

Before I launch into an update on Pioneer, with every day passing as slowly as it does, I'm stunned to find that the year is flying by. We're in May, people. Wow, I'm floored.

Let me repeat, I'm floored. We've made it to May. April, the month that seemed to go on forever, has come and gone. Pioneer is well within the bounds of full term. At this point, Mr. mouse and I aren't doing anything to bring on labor, but, we're not doing anything to delay it either. I'm not sure how I'll do the work thing next week, if I'll work from home or if I'll go in. It may be a combination of both. We'll see.

We went in for our doctor's appointment yesterday. Cervix: 4 cm, 100% effaced, Pioneer at 0 station. No other huge updates. False labor pains continue on and off.

Crazy as it sounds, I am going to miss all of this. I'm sure I'll be excited about Pioneer once they're born, but, pregnancy has been fun as well. It's bonding and sharing, both with Pioneer and with Mr. mouse. Maybe because Pioneer's still small and comfortable, I'm not one of those women who is dying to be done.

Pioneer is taking longer periods of rest now. The doctor says three episodes a day of movement is fine. The movements seem stronger in that there seems to be some controlled muscle behind them, but they're also more subtle, probably because Pioneer is running out of room.

Your baby is about 21.5 inches long from head to toe and weighs a little more than 7 pounds. Toenails and fingernails have grown to tips of toes and fingers. Muscles of your baby's arms and legs are strong, and he's practicing lung movements. Baby's head has dropped into the mother's pelvis if he's head-down, which allows you to breathe a little easier.

You're probably feeling quite large and uncomfortable. Your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen, pushing everything else out of the way. Your center of gravity has shifted, so you may be clumsier than usual.

Tip for the Week
Watch for signs of labor, but don't get too obsessed. It could happen soon or still be weeks away. Some differences between false labor and contractions: False labor pains usually concentrate in the lower abdomen and groin, while true labor pains may start in the lower back and may spread through the entire abdomen. Real labor also becomes stronger and more powerful as time passes.


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