Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pioneer's One Week Birthday

Dear Friends and Family,

For all that I'm afraid it's going too quickly and I'm missing out on it all, it's not and I'm not. Pioneer's only a week old. There's a lifetime of experiences ahead of us that will fill my head and this journal with memories to cherish.

I called Mr. mouse yesterday afternoon just before Pioneer's birth time and we had time to remember how big a moment it was for us and how special she is to us already.

And, then I had a very trying afternoon. Pioneer gets fussy when she's about to go. And, she gets fussy with a wet or dirty diaper. She's fussy when she's tired. She's fussy when she's hungry. And, apparently, she's fussy when her cord stump is about to fall off. In summary, she had lots of reasons to be fussy. And, she was.

But, by the end of the afternoon, I remembered, she's only a week old. She's doing awesome for a one week old. She's trying her best, it's just she's only a week old. I need to remember that. I'm not locked in a battle of wills with an adult, I'm in a exploration journey with a child. And, then, it was all better.

Mr. mouse let me sleep last night and I'm feeling better for it this morning.

Hopefully we're done with the light box today. I'd love to be able to hold her more instead of having her stuck in the box. I promised Pioneer I'd make up for lost time once she's done with the photo therapy.

And, now, recognizing that it's only been a week, I'm eager to savor week two together. We're off to a good start.


PS: Mr. mouse sang Happy Birthday to Pioneer over the phone and she smiled.

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