Friday, May 08, 2009

05.08.09 (Week 39, Day 7): Last Structured Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Where are we at now? 39 down, anytime in the next 3 weeks.

I just looked online and we're up to the last update in the WebMD "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" series. We're entering into Pioneer's last week of development and next Friday will be their "official" due date.

Mr. mouse and I have another doctor's appointment this afternoon. I'm not expecting a ton of new information since we haven't had any new symptoms and have been in the wait-and-see mode the last week. Then again, those are the appointments that always take us by surprise.

Pioneer continues to grow. They don't get the hiccups as frequently as they used to. Their movements aren't as frequent (since they nap regularly now) and are more muffled (since they're running out of room).

I don't sleep as deeply as I used to. It's a combination of having to get up to use the bathroom and then finding a comfortable position to fall back asleep in. It (the having to find a comfortable position) started this past week and will probably continue the rest of the pregnancy. I can't complain. Theoretically, it's the last two weeks of what has been a relatively comfortable pregnancy.

I can't wait until I finally get to see Pioneer. It still doesn't seem possible.

Your baby's length is about 21.5 inches from head to toe and it weighs about 7.5 pounds. Boys often tend to weigh a little more than girls. Reflexes are coordinated so the baby can blink, close his eyes, turn his head, grasp firmly and respond to sounds, light and touch. More lanugo falls out, but some may remain at birth on shoulders, folds of skin and backs of ears.

Birth should be soon now, but don't worry if your due date comes and goes. Only 5% of all babies are born exactly on the due date. It may be more difficult for you to get a good night's sleep because it's hard to find a comfortable position, but try to rest as much as possible, with your feet up if you can.

Tip for the Week
If you think you're in labor, don't eat. Even something light in your stomach can cause nausea.

What's Happening Inside You?
Your baby continues to grow and mature: the lungs are nearly fully developed. Your baby's reflexes are coordinated so he or she can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light and touch

You should still feel movement every day. Your baby's position changes to prepare itself for labor and delivery. The baby drops down in your pelvis, and usually his or her head is facing down toward the birth canal.

By the end of this month, your baby is about 18 to 20 inches long and weighs about 7 pounds.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

sending you much good juju, my dear. can't wait for updates! xoxoxo