Sunday, July 23, 2006

Never Ending Honey Dew List

Dear Friends and Family,

We continue to plug away at the house. I can tell Mr. mouse's frustration is mounting with the never ending list of "stuff" that comes with maintaining a house on the market. His primary frustration today is with the outside stuff. The mowing, the watering, the weeding, the carting of lumber from prior work, the list that never ends.

He's got on his mind that we need a carpet stretcher. Other than that, I think our fix work is done. My big to do this week is to find cleaning service. Then, inside maintenance is taken care of and outside maintenance is all that is left. I can also try cleaning this week - and see if that'll work. Last week was busy with travel and being sick, but this week should be manageable. I'm feeling much better now.

What's our rain tally at? We're at 0.4 inches or 10% of average precipitation for the month. Yeah! How much more fun could we ask for?

I've got some work to do from Friday, so I'm going to go do that while Mr. mouse toils away on the lawn. I think when I offer to help, it just gets him more wound up.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend more than we are.


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