Friday, July 28, 2006

Self Activated Mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday went by in a blur.

First, we had a large team meeting that consumed the morning. Second, we had a team lunch that consumed the middle of the day. Third, we had a department team building outing that was our afternoon. We went to play mini golf. I had a ton of fun even if it was really warm out.

In the large team meeting, they announced that we would be changing the work environment to one in which the focus is on the work that needs to get done. It introduces options like flexible work hours, tele-commuting, etc. I think it's great for the work environment and am really looking forward to when implementation starts.

Last night, I went to an estate planning dinner. It made me think a lot about what happens to my "stuff" once Mr. mouse and I are history. It also opened my eyes to how wrapped up people get in controlling their stuff once they're long gone. Part of me takes the who-cares-you're-already-dead approach. And, part of me takes the I-want-to-leave-it-specifically-to-specific-loved-ones approach. I'll talk it over with Mr. mouse and see what his thoughts are.


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