House update: I'm in clean up mode, Mr. mouse is in sanding down the bathroom mode. My honeydew list for him: weed, mow, water. His agenda: new Venetian plaster and glaze for the hall bathroom. It's enough to make a girl drink! It is what it is. You take the good with the bad. I'll clean tomorrow on my own. I am seriously considering outsourcing cleaning.
Realtor update: Agent #2, Pete, came over today to look at the house. I had a much better experience. He was within $5K of our initial estimate. Much better. Even with the 6% fee, it's still a better deal than Agent #1. Tomorrow, we get our third estimate and make a decision from there.

(Better picture coming soon to a blog near you, if I find the time.) Summer time eating is like navigating a mine field. Once you get past the hamburgers, hot dogs, brats; you hit the potato salad, deviled eggs, chips and dip. If you make it past all those while negotiating beer, wine and cocktails, there's dessert that some well-meaning guest always brings... ice cream, cake, pie, brownies... the list goes on... Well, Trader Joe's has an alternative that we always bring to summer get togethers. The Fruit Floes are fruit flavored ices. The strawberry ones are two points a bar, making it possible to enjoy a sweet treat with friends and family without busting the "food point bank."
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