Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ode to Almonds

Dear Friends and Family,

What makes almonds so special? Well, the list of "stuff" they're good for almost doesn't seem possible. The antioxidants work on the cancer front. The LDLs work on the cholesterol front and the heart health battle. And, to top it all off, they help with a feeling of fullness, making them a great snack on the weight loss front.

Why the bad rap? Well, they're really nutrient rich, so it's easy to over indulge. Also, until recently, we didn't have a good understanding of fats, so all fats were bad. Now, we're learning some fats are VERY bad and some are actually okay.

What's a good amount? If you have a kitchen scale, 30 grams is a single serving of nuts which is about 24 almonds. I usually have about 15 grams a day since that's already 2 Weight Watchers points. I figure frequency will work in my favor since I have a handful daily.

Want to read more?
Happy reading!


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