Friday, July 14, 2006

Thanksgiving in July

Dear Friends and Family,

As I was driving to work yesterday, I realized, for all that I gripe, there's a lot that I am grateful for. Even if it's not Thanksgiving for 4 more months, today, I'd like to take a moment and be thankful for all that has been given to me.

(in no particular order)

I am thankful for a loving spouse who understands me and supports me in all that I try; a roof over my head that shelters me; food that sustains me; parents who tried to raise me to the best of their abilities; friends who make me laugh so hard that I cry; neighbors who are there for me night and day when I need someone close by; jobs that have supported me financially and provided for all of my physical needs; zen that helps me realize the difference between wants and needs; a brain with which to make educated choices and to see the impact my actions have on others; a conscience to care about others; the health of all those close to me; my continuing weight loss and its long term impact on my own health; my grandparents who lived through a war and still raised a family; my sister who tries her hardest to be a good person; and a mentor who told me that all the little things in life are what makes life each day an adventure worth living.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

I'm trying to establish a habit, like journaling, of noting each day 10 things that I'm grateful for. In fact, gratitude has recently become a very big theme in my life. I applaud your list and admire your awareness and sensitivity. More than just one of the reasons I'm grateful for YOU. xoxo.